Text Reading new 10-Point Grading Scale with the Gretna Public Schools logo.  Image of grading scale can be read in the article below.
Gretna Public Schools logo with a G and text reading Middle School Boundary update
Gretna Public School logo with a G and text reading New School Calendar
a large group of teachers filling an auditorium listening to speaker
photo of teachers eating and chatting
DECORATIVE - "Principal News" with Guardians Logo
DECORATIVE - "Principal News" with Guardians Logo
Test reading: Community Parent Forum November 19th Gretna High School 6:00 - 8:00pm Information Booths at 6 include project extra mile, gretna crossing ymca, nebraska family helpline, teammates of gretna, region 6 behavioral healthcare, lift up sary county, new path counseling, colation Rx, campus life, and complete wellness. 7:00pm Guest speaker Jay Martin speaking about digital safety and well being.
Gretna East High School and Gretna High School Softball teams lined up on the field facing the American flag during the national anthem.
Text Reading District Newsletter
Photo of Gretna Public School District Board Blake Turpen, Rick Hollendieck, Kyle Janssen, Dawn Stock, Mark Hauptman, and Greg Beach. Dawn is holding the NASB President's Award.
Text Reads: Did you know? TIPS save lives.
Text Reading: Important Information! District Budget Meetings
Graphic and text: Gretna Public Schools logo and text reading: Student Services Newsletter
DECORATIVE - "Whitetail Creek News" with our school Guardians logo
DECORATIVE - "Principal News" with Guardians Logo
Shadowed box stating "District Newsletter"
guardians logo with title reading: Whitetail Creek Supply List
DECORATIVE - "Principal News" with our school Guardians logo